I propably mentioned it in an earlier rant but my father was a programmer, my grandfather was a programmer, and thus my son shall be too.

  • 4
    Yikes, I'm glad I'm not your son having my dad's interests forced on me 😬
  • 0
    Ever thought of being happy?
  • 1
    @Elyz well you dont know genetics. Its not like im gonna force it onto him, this is the way the male side of my family is.
  • 1
    @theabbie the reasons why I'm unhappy have nothing to do with my profession if you want to imply that ^^
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    @EdoPhoenix you think people are somehow genetically inclined to become programmers? 🤔
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    @Elyz well most traits are either passed down through genes or aquired traits. If you let your kid read a lot of books it might start to like reading books etc. If you know this mechanism and dont force it(forcing it has the opposite effect) you can pass down your skills and craft to the next generation, thus fullfilling the contract of civilisation.
  • 1
    I cringed a little bit.
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    @Benutzername says the guy with the most creative username possible for a german 😂
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    @EdoPhoenix I was talking about your kids, there is so much better in this world
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