
Does the 99 trick work still when it's like $1499.99 vs $1500...

Do ppl still easily most the $100 diff?

  • 1
    I mean, I know that there is no difference and still I feel like 1499.99 is much less when looking at it, so probably yes
  • 6
    I see lots of 9’s and think “expensive”
  • 4
    @Root the same.

    I have made a habit of always rounding any price up to the most significant one or two digits.

    Any after that are irrelevant as they at most has a 10% affect.

    And any 8 or 9 is rounded up if its not the most significant so both 18 and 19 would be 20.
  • 0
    For most cases yes it does.

    Only customers that actively resist will avoid the trap.
  • 0
    @Voxera actually I think the only time it takes some thinking for me is when it doesn't round to 0 or 5 but starts with that like 15.99.
  • 0
    1499 and 1500 dosent matter to me, because 100$ difference when i have to pay 1400 anyway is less than 10% so it dosent influence my decision anyway

    only orders of magnitude matter to me
  • 2
    Something priced at $99.99 looks considerably more expensive than $100.00 to me. I guess I look at the average magnitude of the scalars instead of the count. 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️
  • 1
    📌 no idea. I remember reading about it in Thinking Fast and Slow but I can’t recall the page!
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    @duckycode so does that mean you're thinking fast or slow?
  • 1
    On first glace it works. But as long as I'm not buying on impulse I round it anyway.

    When something is like $1499,99 you can be damn sure that I will not buy on impulse. The only thing you may get is a bit of more initial attention when there are many competing products.

    Something like $1450,00 may be considered a deal though.
  • 1
    I have browser extension that rounds up the prices. No matter how easy the calculation is, it still takes your decision making energy that you could have used to resist the impulse purchase or analyse more options.
    I have no source here so you may want to double check, but I remember that this price trick works on the subconscious level. Even if you round up the price your brain already 'cached' the lower number and this 'cached' value will be used for the on the fly comparison and decision making.
    Some marketing strategies are pretty devious.
  • 1
    Alright people, you are all enlightened individuals bit this method works for us normies, so they use it.
  • 0
    @Amoenus I somehow feel messing with the shown price on websites could lead to very baaaad issues.

    "Oops, there's a bug that drops the first digit on site X." - "Seems like your credit card is maxed."
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