I don't want to sound ethnocentric but is anyone else annoyed by having to correct the spelling of variable, class, table name, and other code after it was built overseas? I'm in a third round of combing consecutively deeper into the code to ferret out these misspellings so they don't go into production. Is it too much to ask that the freelancer who says he speaks and writes native English not then turn that work over to a subcontractor who clearly does not?

  • 3
    This reminds me of my favorite StackOverflow question:

  • 1
    @user-name wow. You really _can_ find anything on StackOverflow!
  • 1
    You're not alone. This pisses me off even more than abbreviating variable names so you have no idea wtf it's for.
  • 0
    Some of these misspellings I'm dealing with are mission critical. Naming some variable "filed" when you mean "field" is a problem. So is leaving out double characters like in "addres" vs "address". Who knows what bugs that will cause in database queries and loop logic?! If English is not your first language, Google or a dictionary are your friends.
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