I hate it when clients force me to fix their fucking magentos with crappy javascript fuckarrounds because the shop is already a huge pile of fuck with window resize events fucking up all onservers. 4 jquery includes all messed up fucking each other in a cum gobbling bukkake because you never know which jQuery, $j, jsm or jFuckYou is bound to which library. I know i have to spill my own fuck all over that fuck. Frontpage slider is raping the search results for slides leaving dead meat in the results foreever. Fuck your fucking fuck you fucking fucker.

  • 0
    I understand your pain. Just took me hours to be able to find a spot to place an event só i could Hook into it and send an email. Going out of magento and back to the 'paradise' in a couple of days, finally :)
  • 0
    So good to read a decent rant.
  • 3
    Give this guy a stress ball
  • 1
    Day made with that one fine sir.
  • 4
    Oh wow and I was self censoring my shits. Well not anymore I guess..

    shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit

    That felt good
  • 0
    Fucking brilliant rant, you won two Internets
    I feel your pain, been there
  • 1
    Now, that's a proper rant.
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