
Attempting to learn vim this weekend.

A stress ball may come in handy.

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    Try Emacs, it's better :)
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    There's two options: either you want to use Vim as your main editor, in this case take the time to reaaally know your stuff, install plugins, etc...
    Either you just want to know it to edit occasional files, in this case you can stick with the principles.

    But knowing how to use Vim is more than useful! You really often need to edit file without having a GUI
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    Try to do everything in Vim and you'll learn fast.
    You just need to get used to it, after some time you don't want to stop anymore.
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    I'm with @letmecode it's sooooo worth learning, you'll never want to live with out it. It's a bit pricey, but Vim Adventures is super helpful and fun to learn vim.
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    I'm really going to just try to grasp the basics, so git doesn't open vim and I'm all "oh lawd, not again....I just want to exit." But who knows, maybe I'll like it and dive a little deeper!
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    @setleaf git can open vim. You just have to set the editor to vim.
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    Vim is a gift that keeps on giving. The more you use it, the more you learn about it, and the more it benefits you.
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    This is something I really need to do. Keep putting it off =D
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    @xios I've become no longer scared of vim. I can move around inside of files and edit stuff, but I'm still pretty slow at it. I can definitely see that becoming competent with it would be a huge boost to my productivity, but it would take a while to get to that level.
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    @setleaf it's worth it
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