How long have you been here on devrant?

I found this amazing website today, I was in my old forum and some guy shared this website, I came here and created an account. I pretty like this website and stuff here,

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    November 2016 apparently. Activity is another thing tho. Welcome to the Gulag :)
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    Welcome green dot :D
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    somewhere around 3 years or so. i've deleted my old account at some point and created a new one recently
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    Since about three months from launch so about.... 4,5 years I think?
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    A couple of weeks before @linuxxx joined
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    I am here for 3 years and a few months.
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    The golden days of this community are long gone
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    @theabbie wait... What would you know about them?
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    @electrineer I have heard people saying it was better earlier, now it's just shitposts.
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    This year.
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    Created Account in January, posted a meme and left, came back last month, saw 50 upvotes, I thought I was viral, created Avatar, posted a Rant about JS and then Apple and then argued with internet people. Some of them gave me a tough punishment. And here I am.
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    2016, its been nice
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