Apparently, all the CS labs at my uni allow only vim, no other editors.



  • 15
  • 5
    Give it a few weeks, use vimtutor and Learn VIM the hard way then you will learn to love it!
  • 3
    @vtepe I can see how you would think that, think of it as high cost, high reward.
  • 3
    @vtepe vimtutor and Learn VIM the hard way are excellent. It will be a while before it all clicks but once it does then most people love it.
  • 4
    Try to embrace it! Vim's pretty cool if you can get the hang of it. Orrrr you could just hit `i` and be in insert mode the whole time and use it like notepad :P Either way!
  • 4
    Actually i dont like vim either... I prefer nano, its more... Not packed with stuff everywhere
  • 8
    Though I use and like Vim everyday, I don't think they should force you to use anything. I think you should be able to use nano, gedit or install your own stuff like kate.
  • 2
    Do they allow customizing your vimrc?
  • 1
    What if I was caught using Emacs?
  • 0
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    This is life, dude!

    Get used to it.
  • 0
    This is life, dude!

    Get used to it.
  • 0
    @ridecar2 I didn't know about the restriction until my test, before that I use to use the login credentials to login connect through the file manager and use gedit. After they told me that they won't be giving me the login credentials for the test, and that it's already logged in from a terminal, I found out about vimtutor from vim's man pages, used it for the first 30mins for the test to learn the basics 😂
  • 0
    @Artemix c9.io is still free, they just require you to give your credit card details to verify that you're not a bot.
  • 0
    Nano or Emacs! Vim must die!!!
  • 0
    @Artemix in their defense, people were using bots to create thousands of accounts, and using them for DDoS attacks(don't know how true this is tho). If you really, really want a truly free account, you can get a permanent account if you sign up through Harvardx's CS50 on Edx.org(which gives you some educational license), but this method is rather a bit unethical.
  • 2
    To me, using a modal editor always felt like having to stop the car to shift gears.
  • 1
    This rant sent me back in time to 1997. How do I get back?
  • 7
    Sorry, dude!
  • 0
    May the lord satan sama be with you
  • 1
    @stackodev you have to escape! 😁
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