
Someone just used the term normal bug.... That crashed production last night...

  • 2
    Kinda depends on what the impact is.

    Crashes might be 'normal' for them ;)
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    @N00bPancakes well I'm on the team but if they leave me out of dealing with it.... ok....

    But it's one of those moments where i wonder when we'll all get fired....
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    Your team must be the one which follows up a regular release with a hot fix release to douse such normal bugs
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    Bugs are pretty normal in the IT industry.
    But i would just call the generic non-exiting ones "bug" as normal is the default.
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    @Oktokolo then how come I never cause such bugs 🤔🤔🤔
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    as opposed to an alien bug?
  • 4
    maybe by "normal" they mean "expected bug"
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    @EDragon that's the problem though, why would you expect a bug... And if you expected it, why didn't you prevent it.

    This wasn't a very complex program afaik.... To me: I'm sorta going how the fck did we hire such a monkey... Then again I'm still here.... yea... Fck...
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    Only humans cause bugs.
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    @donuts sometimes my gut feeling tells me there's something lurking.

    Is my gut feeling right? 80 - 90 %, yes.

    But ... Knowing there is a bug by understanding what the bug actually is and where / how it occurs - completely different matter.
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    @IntrusionCM but if you know some coffee or going to be a bug..u put some protection around it?

    Yes experience helps but there's is not the first time this sort of bug happened...
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    @donuts oh lord.

    I finally made sense of the sentence.

    term "normal bug"

    I thought some bug occured by the term "normal"... (like query search term)

    Not that someone used the term "normal bug".

    Fuck. This week really fried my brain.

    Yeah . Defense code helps.
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    @IntrusionCM np... I prolly should've quoted the words and checked for typos... Last comment has a lot... Again
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    @Oktokolo Haven't you heard the sun is a giant bug?
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    Has it something to do with normalising?
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    Bit flips caused by radiation are not bugs.
    A thunderstorm making a tree fall on your house making the whole building collapse and some random plinter pierce the board of the PC so that it literally crashes - not a bug either.
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    @hjk101 is controlling how often an app spams alert emails considered normalizing?
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    @Oktokolo I feel you are going to go as extreme as "It's human's fault for building computers. No computers == No bugs" so I'll stop here.
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    No, i am definitely not going that route.

    Cosmic rays causing bitflips: Not a bug.
    But not detecting and handling bitflips caused by cosmic rays when the data or service availability are important: Definitely a bug.

    Bugs are errors in design or implementation.
    Only creationists are allowed to argue for cosmic rays causing bitflips being bugs.
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    If they call it a "normal bug", I'd want to know how that company even functions.
    I've worked with (gladly not "in") a company which expected me to make tests after they pushed to production... not rarely did bugs occur.
    Some companies really have no quality control. Imbeciles. A wait, because they work with SAP and their customers are dependent on them, they can keep such shit going...
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    @PonySlaystation I think it's a team thing for us, big company. Some teams are really good, most are mediocre, and then there are just people that are good at hiding and just get by...

    You know the saying A Players hire B Players ...

    Well we have a lot of B managers....
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