Most angriest devs based on GitHub comments.
Crap! We took third.

  • 14
    fascinating since I am the happiest php dev in the world and would normally cry st the idea of implementing web solutions on anything else
  • 19
    @AleCx04 same here... Curious about that graph tho. Somehow I get the feeling it counts php devs as the angriest because of non-php devs cursing php.
  • 3
    @100110111 well, tbh, php is a fucking piece of crap. How could you not hate this shit?
  • 0
    Hmm I'm interested what you'd find when getting the TF-IDF weights for each language. Then you get the most unique terms to each language.
  • 1
    @WeAreMany it's a joy to work with imo.
  • 3
    @AleCx04 php? Is it some kind of peasant developer joke that i am too python rich to understand?
  • 1
    @sandeepbalan I'd rather write php4 code than python lol
  • 1
    @sandeepbalan I'd rather write even JS than Python (and if I could avoid it, I wouldn't be touching JS even with a long stick).
  • 1
    we need more research like this
  • 3
    Im that angry Java dev. Occasionally I am forced to do JS and I scream even more.
  • 2
    I remember how VisualBasic took my sanity away and fucked my youth, hate this crap shit!

    I believe the good score here is because nobody use it
  • 1
    I'd rather write [insert favorite language here] rather than [insert other language that I haven't worked much with]. Turn the random language wheel and fill in the blanks :-)
  • 0
    @penless someone still has to maintain those old enterprise software written with VB. I feel for them. Most VB devs I've met seem to have lost their mind somewhere along the way, likely much thanks to VB
  • 3
    @WeAreMany Because I love working with PHP! L
  • 0
    More people on php then other languages ... Your stats are wrong
  • 1
    I'm actually surprised to even see Rust and Haskell on that list
  • 3
    I fucking love PHP, but there are 2 things that are ridiculous:
    - The API was written and named by complete maniacs whose appartments must look just as filthy as a $1 whorehouse in West Point, Monrovia (Liberia).
    - PHP mostly runs as a script on web requests and not as a service, so you are limited by script memory and script timeouts.
  • 0
    @jak645 Look at the x-axis description. It's words per 10000 comments.
  • 1
    @sandeepbalan even better. it is a tool used by non virgins to get shit done and not go home to circle jerk around over dumb shit that no one but über virgins care about! u should try it
  • 0
    As I expected, COBOL is a delight and no one said anything bad about it (???
  • 1
    @100110111 as long as there are programmers and languages somehow someone will just continue to hate something. My problem is not with dislike, I get dislike, I really do, my problem is with zealot like attitudes towards software.
  • 0
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