So I'm in a meeting with the Company director where I'm contracting for a few months. She is explaining the company history, goals etc. I can feel my eyes drooping, my head tilting and my body sloooowly sliding of my chair. Im literally fighting to stay awake. She is about to explode and go crazy BUT the business manager flies in explains to her that I have a medical condition known as narcolepsy...meaning I could be half way through a conversation and I fall asleep and it's not anything more than that

....When she said my name is thought to myself yep I'm outta here...

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    I'm actually curious how narcolepsy works since most people (including me) don't instantly fall asleep-so when you have an episode (for lack of a better word), do you instantly *boom* just fall asleep or do you suddenly feel really tired and have like an uncontrollable urge to close your eyes and just... sleep... ? And if it's the second one is there any way to fight it if you really really have a need to?
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    @AngryDev 90% of the time is BOOM! and I'm gone. When I'm in a very very important situation I try to fight it but with a nearly 0% success rate
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    @merlindiavova hm that's interesting thanks for answering! Also how long are you usually out? Is it a full nap (i.e. Someone has to wake you up), do you wake up upon hitting the floor? Or is there some other wake-up condition? Is it problematic in terms of your productivity at work or not?

    Thanks again for answering a curious rando!
  • 3
    @AngryDev No problem I don't mind answering. I can be out for 10 to 30 min. If I'm tired then I literally just go to sleep. So this happens when I'm standing up, sitting down, I have fallen asleep at carnivals, I cannot go to the cinema as I always miss the films. It takes me on average 3-4 days to watch a complete film 😅. Conferences are a near rightoff aswell.
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