Found this on our project. I think that it is the best condition ever.

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    This is in production since 3 years 😧
  • 1
    this will help dev that require to write certain quantity of lines aha

    else {
    // many more line of code that never get executed.
  • 0
    Looks like atom editor.
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  • 2
    Now we know why unsubscribe emails from shit never works..
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    Some people use this to make it "easy" to stop some code from being executed. Think this was 0 while developing the stuff above this condition.
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    @chickenbrain I have come across a statement like:

    if(my string!='hello' || my string!='goodbye') {

    } else {
    // 2000 lines of code that will never execute here

    They were consultants!
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