
Never stop drinking...

  • 3
    With all the drunk programming post we should organize an event. Make a few teams think of a challenging exercise and see what kind of creative ways of solving we come up with.
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    @aronmik http://crashandcompile.com/ <-- sounds good to me xD
  • 4
    @ElCapitan did not know that one. In college we played a drunk programming game. We would shout random features to add to flash game we working on. We made the most random games.

    At one point we made a 2d scroller flying game with a bird. That would gain height when you shouted at it. But if you would shout to hard and long random pictures of our friends would show up and blocking the game so you would loose.

    And having their face show was offcourse a good reason for that guy to take a shot.
  • 1
    @aronmik sounds interesting. Also that game sound a little bit to much like Flappy Bird xD
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    @ElCapitan more like copter since it was I think 8 years ago
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    @aronmik definitely agree!
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    Perfect illustration
  • 1
    I've got this..
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