Frederick, Elyz, the fuck you up to? Your minks are spreading fucking mutated Corona!

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    It had to adapt to the mutated language
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    (took a while to find an English article from a newspaper I ever recognized the name of)
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    @Frederick yeah, nothing to see here, Scriptyboi.

    (Fred, how did the newspapers learn about this? Did you let one of the workers out again?!)
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    Time to fix the öresund Bridge it seems ๐Ÿงจ๐ŸŒ‰
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    I hear you can get covid from dogs and pussy cats too.

    People! Stop eating mink, dogs, and pussy cats!
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    @rutee07 you know the sex machine (lol) is gonna be a trillion dollar industry.

    get in, dont even need to dominate the industry. A tenth of 1 percent and your fucking made. core principle: even if you're a really small fish, get in a very big pond.

    Id dedicate four years to learning 3d printing and working with plastics if someone wanted to do the GPT based ai for our sex bots. need a narrative writer to do a westworld style conversation system, and of course 2 maybe 3 people to rig motion capture so writers have a suit of physical responses they can blend.

    a kickstarter project that could demonstrate reasonable (if limited) speech and a face thats not fucking creepsville, would turn a cool half mill I think.

    Point is, these problems are solvable.
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    @Wisecrack This will definitely lead to a "Florida Man" story:

    "Florida man gets dick ripped off by sex machine."
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    @Demolishun no publicity is bad publicity.
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