
Git: "so what'd you want to commit?"
Unity: "just fuck me up"
Git: "got you covered"

  • 3
    Use a .gitignore
  • 1
    @syzible I don't think any gitignore can still save this repo. Good idea for the next repo tho
  • 2
    You can save it. Just add a .gitignore for Unity from www.gitignore.io and than remove all the files and folders from your repository, which are described in the gitignore.
    And look on StackOverflow how to set up Unity for version control.
  • 3
    @sebkas Even better:
    Add .gitignore.
    Remove all files from git.
    Add all files back again.
    You end up with a clean repo without the files you ignored.

    @Iantje Also, please learn to use a screenshot tool ;)
    Gosh, how i hate it when people snap a pic of their screen with a camera -.-
  • 2
    ++ for GitKraken
  • 1
    @sebkas Have checked the version control settings for Unity with Git, so all files are forced to text, and meta data is visible. I'll try adding a new .gitignore file

    @gnaaah Haha sorry. I already use Puush, but I was a bit lazy.
  • 2
    git rm -rf --cached *
    u welcome
  • 0
    @gnaaah you're so right there! That is just torture for the eyes.
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