Is egosurfing bad?

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    @wiki Egosurfing
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    @theabbie Egosurfing (also Googling yourself, vanity searching, egosearching, egogoogling, autogoogling, self-googling) is the practice of searching for one's own name, or pseudonym on a popular search engine in order to review the results. Similarly, an egosurfer is one who surfs the Internet for his or her own name to see what information appears. It has become increasingly popular with the rise of Internet search engines, as well as free blogging and web-hosting services. Though Google is the search engine most commonly mentioned when referring to egosurfing, other widely known search engines include Yahoo and Bing.

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    Honestly, I don't see direct harm in it
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    Everyone Google's themselves at some point in time.
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    @Aitkotw I do it regularly, is that bad?
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    @theabbie well, if you've got nothing better to do. Google yourself all the way!!
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    @Aitkotw Then I am safe
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    I don't exist on Google lol
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    I do the opposite.

    I work actively to bury my own serps.
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    @HiFiWiFiSciFi No one knows your name, so can't verify
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    @rooter Having your own website which appears on searching your name or pseudonym is more than enough.
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    @rooter Are you talking about me? because I have done that. it's not just a webpage though, It has some utility functions.
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    @rooter I just wanted to grab that name, might make something useful or of it later.
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    @rooter No one else is interested in 'theabbie' keyword. I am afraid that is I get famous one day, people will start stealing this keyword, that's why I take precautions.
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    Absolutely not. It's human nature. That's like asking "is masturbation bad?"

    Our social status is very much rooted in our sense of tribalism and survival.

    This is just a subset of that.
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    @junon It has "ego" in the name, so, I thought, might be harmful
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    @theabbie "ego" by itself is a neutral term. Cases where one is narcissistic means an overtly unhealthy relationship with one's own self image - which describes the relation with their ego, but does not imply that "ego" itself is bad.

    It's like the use of the root "ped" having different meanings between "pediatric" and "pedophile".
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    @junon Good analogy
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    @OneOrZero Retard is Back
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    @OneOrZero DevRant doesn't think so, anyways, this battle won't end, so, better not start it
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    @junon good ol' Greek words being misunderstood all the time (source: I'm Greek 😛). FYI, "ego" just means "me" and the "ped-" prefix refers to "pedi" which means child. Any negative connotation is caused by their colloquial use by English speakers. Although I did once see a playground called "pedotopia" and I though it was a bit much 😂 (but still completely innocent in Greek).
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    @pkoloveas I know all of that, you just reiterated my point exactly ;)
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