I work in a very diverse team. I'm a white male, from the US and I have someone from Russia, one from China, and 2 from India. The best thing so far was a team building exercise, where we went to a AAA baseball game, and I got asked all kinds of questions, that of course seem strange to me.

How many pitches can the pitcher throw?
What happens if they hit it past the lines on the left and right?
Can they hit again if they strike out?

  • 5
    @dewguzzler do I know you? I have the same exact diverse team. Only difference is I'm one of the two Indians (who knows baseball very well) lol
  • 1
    @th3pat3l oh yeah? One of the people from India on my team knows cricket, but not baseball. He was one that asked about pitchers since pitchers in cricket can only pitch like 10 times I think.
  • 2
    @dewguzzler Most of us Indians are crazy about cricket... It's true... We've grown up playing that sport :D
  • 1
    @dewguzzler In cricket, an "over" is when a pitcher throws 6 balls. He can do 10 "overs" in the entire game. Max "overs" allowed are 50 in a regular game, which comes out to 300 actual pitches. Each side will pitch all 50 "overs" unless the other team players are all out before that. Thought I would put some more details lol it's confusing tho 😕
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