
3 weeks ago, at 33, I jumped ship from a dead end career as a technician and landed my first programming job at a startup. The pay is lower for now and I'm constantly feeling burnt out from learning so much so fast, but I haven't been this happy in years. Seeing light at the end of the tunnel can do wonders for your mental health.

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    I feel you, I did it at 34. Now I'm constantly looking out for problems I can solve with code.

    I have meetings with a few social enterprises, come January.

    Real power to make small changes in the world around me is a nice thing to have.
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    In honesty, I can be the type to work without consequences.
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    @alinck @saintograph well done guys, and congrats!

    One of my friends did the same at about the same age and said it was the best thing he ever did. ☺️
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