Microsoft Windows
Microsoft office

And the worst of all: Adobe reader

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    @Jilano SAP is hell.
    A friend of mine works for the German "Bundeswehr" (armed forces) as a pharmacist. They use SAP for everything logistics related. Every person can only see their step in the process chain. Even the QA person. They only see the QA step and not everything. So the QA is basically a braindead person to just press "Approved". This ties in beautifully with their newest website unsere-waffen.de where they ask the public if anyone has found missing weapons/ammunition....
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    @Jilano yes and it's less of a pain in my life than the ones mentioned
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    @ThermalCube https://unsere-waffen.de is from the PENG! collective.
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    @stop Are you sure? The impress lists the MAD as the owner. Do you have any source that proofes otherwise?
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    i just saw that i misremembered it. it was the "Zentrum für Politische Schönheit" not peng.
    At the bottom of the page you will find a link named "Den MAD finanziell unterstützen". also here https://politicalbeauty.de/.
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    @stop they wrote the actual Inspector General of the Bundeswehr to be legally responsible for the website

    That's straight up fucking illegal
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    @LotsOfCaffeine probably yes, but until now they delivered more information than the MAD had.
    here is an other action from them https://politicalbeauty.de/mahnmal....
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    @Jilano don't even get me started on SAP.

    I'm on the supplier end of SAP, fucking shit is bat shit crazy and differs between customers.
    I'll give them one thing, their consistent at being utterly fucking inconsistent 🥸
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