
So my friend loudly burped into the microphone while having a skype call with his bosses and some important clients (he thought the mic was turned off).

Here's the recording: https://clyp.it/cncacppm

  • 0
    That's the spirit!
  • 3
    I used to work from home when i was a salesforce consultant and i had a wireless headset. I was a subject matter expert for their outlook plugin bc i worked in that group on t2 support for years so i joined a lot of conference calls and rarely spoke and when i did i didnt need to look. I was on a conference call with our largest client and suddenly had to go due to too much coffee the past few days. Had very farty diarrhea and my headset temp disconnected and reconnected which switched off mute. My boss was like "sounds like someone isnt feeling well"

    So glad tgere was about 15 people on the call and only my boss paid attention to who's name had the talky icon light up
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