Geeky way to reach out to the girl/guy you have a crush on.

  • 18
    Code your number in the message
  • 8
    Damn that's cute 😍
    Gotta find me someone who'd do that....
  • 0
  • 5
    This. I love this!
  • 24
    WOW. A girl who actually would ever even somehow explicitly tell a dude she likes him, instead of making it impossible for him to guess by pretending not to and saying nothing. Amazing :D
  • 1
    @coffeeismyblood upvoted because of your pseudo. Man i feel just the same
  • 2
    @corscheid @OOPMichael How did you figure OP was a girl?
  • 3
    @Gauthier it was late, and I believe the text of the post has been edited. But now that I've had my coffee, I believe that I am wrong.
  • 0
    Aw that's so romantic 👌
  • 3
    If she was efficient, she'd just go to a ASCII converter website :)
  • 0
    @Gauthier what @OOPMichael said. Apologies for not considering ALL possibilities. I suppose my comment was taking the image and playing to my imagination of how I would react to this in my life. Since the people around me are aware of my orientations and such, my gut reaction would tell me some dream woman wrote this.

    However of course, the image itself lends no clues at all to any part of the identity of the person who wrote it. So whoever sees the image may universally make whatever of it for themselves.

  • 4
    @corscheid We girls actually do that. But it does take us a little while.
  • 3
    @coffeeismyblood I would immediately ask out a girl who left me such an ASCII int array in my code.

    And to be fair, not all guys are so forward as to directly admit crushes to their faces either. It's not a 1 sided issue
  • 1
    @corscheid @OOPMichael I was mainly pulling your leg (but not only), but I'm glad you took it the right way 👍
  • 5
    This thing right here is what girls consider sending a "clear" message.
  • 6
    I am depressed, I want a girlfriend. Where to download source code ? Anyone ?
  • 0
    its not a girl
  • 1
    @sgoel01 might have to write one yourself if you want the outcome to be ideal.

    public class Girlfriend {
  • 2
    @corscheid @sgoel01 make sure you code her as a friend or else she can't access the private attributes.
  • 0
    Keep us posted, OP!
  • 4
    msg.ForEach(c => Console.Write(c));
    Lambda <3
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