
So I desperatly want to engage into C lang. yet I can find clear guidelines for OSX IDE or common C scaffolding. Any help ?

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    So have you walked through a tutorial yet?
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    @theZorgEffect for C I know the basics, but I meed an effective visual tool to handle segmentation faults and so
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    @founix I would go with C-Lion (InteliJ tailored to native development). You could dive right in and start doing some OpenGL stuff. You'll have to crack some serious nuts but graphics programing is rewarding. Even if it's only a spinning triangle ;)
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    Thank you. What motivated me into C is its difficulty.
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    C has more of the text editor/terminal culture. You should try that first.
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    Try gdb and clang sanitizer to find segfaults. A build system generator like CMake helps a lot, too.
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