I need to learn xml. any resource suggestion ?

  • 6
    Learn XML? 🤔
  • 2
    @uddinstock I get what you're saying, but I have to agree with @jotamontecino, even something like w3schools can be useful for this kind of stuff, at least the basics.
  • 1
    @LucaScorpion @jotamontecino I need something more than w3schools. I've already looked at it. I know the syntaxes. I'm looking how to use in application. Searched on YouTube for tuts but couldn't find it. Also if you didn't like the post or didn't want to help, you could just ignore the post instead of commenting 'Google'. You think I don't know about google ? Or are you Mr. Know-it-all ?@jotamontecino @jotamontecino
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    If u can, use ini-files
  • 3
    I tend to use JSON files, or YAML if I'm using ruby 😬
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    @salvator W3 schools is pretty good for for basic concept of xml. Are you using xslt with the xml or is this mostly for config stuff?
  • 1
    XML is used for so many different things. It's more of like a concept than a language...
    So it really depends what you want it for
  • 1
    Sure. Learn json instead ;)
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    That's like asking to learn a backpack. Like, you just use it. You commented you know the syntax: well, that's xml right, syntax to store stuff?

    And syntax to describe your data model and it has local file inclusion and stuff, but those are specific use cases that you'd search (duckduckgo) how to do and click the first result... So I'm sorry but I really don't understand your question.
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