
fuck you SimpleDateFormat. Every single time. get one case incorrect, suddenly its june the 45th, 3017.

  • 2
    Oh I feel your pain. I maintain a web app with a Java back end, this comes up way more often than it should!
  • 5
    haha more like NotSoSimpleDateFormat
  • 1
    (sorry couldn't help myself)
  • 0
    can't help
  • 0
    oh god, that fucking class, sometimes it decides to go with DST, sometimes no... it's a huge fucking mess
  • 2
    Nice change from 1st January 1970!
  • 0
    in reality, its always epoch. sometimes i wish java was a little more spontaneous...
  • 0
    I was literally struggling to working with SimpleDateFormat/DateFormat yesterday haha
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