  • 7
    That's a honeypot, you check that, you're disqualified
  • 3
    Another day, another incompetent HR person...
  • 7
    Angular.js but no Angular 🤔
    No react
    No vue

    This form looks like it was created by an incompetent recruiter who is still in 2015.
  • 3
    Some people do use server side rendering using node js :/
  • 1
  • 1
    @nibor To play devil's advocate I would totally forgive adding the extra ".js" after Angular - I imagine even the most hard core Angular devs would be willing to accept that there is some confusing regarding the angular versioning and just figure "anything with Angular in the name means Angular - even if the suffix is wrong"

    And from this image we can't actually tell if there could be more options further down below. Might be.
  • 0
    A recruiter typed that one out
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