
I know people are upset over this whole "they're raising the minimum wage to $15/hr" thing but consider the following:

if your employer doesn't raise your wage/salary to higher than that in response, they were only paying you the minimum possible amount to be attractive for your position, and would've only been paying you minimum wage if they could've. They really don't value you as a worker.

note: apparently some businesses have to be approached by you for a "raise" before they can do this in some positions even if they want to raise someone's wage/salary, or so i've heard?

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    In the mother fuck.

    Did this become a shit alt-right fucktard piss bitching website?

    And why.

    In the mother fuck.

    Did it correlate to the minute to Parler going down?

    I’m here to troll my fellow programmers. This is sacred ground.

    If I want to troll people 50 fucking IQ points lower than me I know where to find you.
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    @HiFiWiFiSciFi bro i'm not calling names here or anything, it's just my take on it. you don't have to agree. i don't even have a job, just seems to be common sense to me.

    also is this really an alt-right claim? i actually didn't know, i've seen literally no one else that isn't saying "well i should quit my job now because it's worthless" so i thought i'd provide a different thought on the matter. Discussion and debate are important, and devRant is better for that as it's not a cesspool. (Yet.)
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    @Parzi I make $60 an hour.

    I don’t give a shit about this debate.

    Any other programmers should be making more than $15, and if you’re not that’s totally on you.

    But if we have to have a clearly politically intended political debate in a programming site...

    If you don’t have the skills to make a living that’s on you.

    But also there is systematic oppression of the proletariat that needs to be addressed systematically.

    Both of these things can be true at the same time.

    Like, poor people don’t just give up and die, they resort to drugs and crime to survive. So even if you’re heartless you should still be for a living wage just so your neighbors aren’t crackheads.

    Any other argument in this debate is only the echos of your masters.

    Please let’s have this debate on a more appropriate platform next time.
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    @HiFiWiFiSciFi I mean, a lot of poor people, poor enough to "turn to drugs and crime", have a hard time getting real jobs, mainly as usually they don't have the ability to have clean enough clothes for job interviews, those on illicit substances can't get help, they need more than minimum wage to get out of debt, etc. The dream of "you can pull yourself up by your bootstraps if you really try" isn't really attainable if you're already in the hole, especially if you're so much in debt that you have nowhere to live.

    As to the point of the "any other argument is the echoes of your masters", that's awfully dismissive. You're literally stating that your *opinion* is correct, which isn't ever going to be true, as it's an opinion. You've literally just told me that you're going to dismiss any other argument anyone else makes that doesn't agree with you. Your "appropriate platform" may be Twitter.
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    @Parzi The minimum wage in Murica has nothing to do with someone who lives where you do...

    Secondly - the debate there is not about the minimum wage - it is about the middle class (or how there is no more middle class anymore) over there. The dev world does not care, and never cared about this - as most developed world devs are in the 10% of highest incomes.
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    @Jilano sure, people who bring it shall bear the cost of someone getting fired because 15/h was too much for small businesses.
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    @Parzi I know someone who is getting a 15$/hr minimum wage in their state. That state takes out so much in taxes that it offsets the gain. Not sure if this is across the board. I think it will be unique state by state for this.
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    @HiFiWiFiSciFi bro you're the only retard on here who brought politics into this shit.

    you need to chill to fuck out with your politardation and seeing hostility everywhere.

    other people are allowed to have an opinion without you acting like hitler and freaking the fuck out.

    in otherwords fuck off.
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    @Parzi you're fine Parzi hes just a fucking lunatic, ignore him
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