
me: I'll start making the site today. To make sure the project is up and go by the deadline, I need you to send some missing content. Please find attached a spreadsheet (with perfectly tought cella :) ) abot the missing content.
-- weeks go by, several mailing and phoning. site is ready. content zero --
client: why is the site not public yet?! you promised a deadline! I'm nőt paying, if it is not ready by tomorrow.
me: ok just send the content I requested.
-- 2days pass. no content --
client: thats it. i'm not payin'. here is the content ( much mire than designed ) upload it and we are done here!!!

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    Did you have deliverables in the contract? I've learned the hard way to always put deliverables for both sides in the contract.
  • 3
    He did not get the site of course. Also because he was not the first trying with such thing we had a 30% severance pay in the contract he did not realise. 😃
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