
My brain: Its a company that works with web technologies and the job is more of a devops job they wont expect you to know cpp compilation process.

Interviewer: Last question tell me in detail what happens when you compile a cpp program.

  • 1
    Well if you don't understand the build steps/tools it's hard to automate efficiently. Troubleshooting is even worse.

    Is the tech not using C++ at all? (Not even WASM) than it is bs of course.
  • 1
    @hjk101 Their major tech stack is php ruby go.
  • 1
    @shell Are you sure your interviewer isn't a HR guy?
  • 1
    @pmso nope tech guy with good experience in the field.

    I have seen this in many of my interviews job description is something else and questions asked are something else.

    Different interviewers asking totally different things to different candidates, at some point it becomes luck based thing some ppl get extremely easy questions some get total opposite.
  • 3
    @shell your answer would be it will get compiled or throw error 😂
  • 0
    Way hold on I'm confused why the answer wouldn't be "Language instructions are translated into machine instructions and packed into one singular file"
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