I keep obsessing about the time. I keep looking for patterns as the day goes on. I noticed the other day that these patterns for time have math relationships in each:
15:18:21 ie 15 + 3 = 18 and 18 + 3 = 21
03:18:21 ie 3 + 18 = 21

One time is morning at 3 am the other is evening at 3 pm. I cannot stop looking for these.

Is the descent into madness?

  • 3
    There is an absurd amount of patterns in the relationships of numbers and sets of numbers. Being fascinated by that isn't something to worry about.
    It might indicate a preference for functional languages though - so try some of them if you didn't already.
  • 2
    I had to do international time localization a few years ago and I’m still fucked up.
  • 1
    It just means you might:
    - have an analytical thinking preference (c.f. Emergenetics),
    - be on the spectrum (although there are more signs that indicate if that's the case),
    - have a fascination for numbers,
    - have an IQ high enough to constantly see patterns like this.
  • 0
    I worked with a mathematician for awhile, and he taught me a game he plays to keep his mind sharp.

    He looks at the time (or some other small set of numbers) and tries to come up with an expression to turn them into 10.

    The rules are simple: you can use the numbers in any order or groupings you like (12:34 can be 1,2,3,4; 12,34; 41,32; etc.), you can use as many operators as you like, but you cannot change the numbers or add in any extras. For example, you can do a square root, but you cannot add in a cube root because that operator requires a 3. (But you can ofc if you have a 3 to use.)

    Example: you could turn 10:54 into 10 by simply adding them together: 1+5+4+0 = 10, or be fancy and do (5*4)/(1+0!) = 10

    It’s kind of fun and I still play it sometimes
  • 1


    Same pattern. I wonder how many of these there are. I should write some code to find out.
  • 0
    In my mind I determined there are 13 of them.


    24 if you count negative numbers.


    Strike that, only 13.
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