
Last night I had a very strange dream. I should point out in advance, all of this is fictional and none of it really happened.

I was looking at an answer I posted on Stack Exchange.. for the sake of argument, let's say it was Super User. I remember the question being about volume limiting, which is actually an issue I and many other iOS 14.2/14.3 users have been facing in the last few months. Apparently it has been partially addressed in 14.4.

In the real world I fixed the issue by jailbreaking the phone and unloading the healthd service, while in the dream that was the answer I had documented on Super User. In reality I have documented it in several other places, but not there.

Fast-forward a couple of days in the dream where the answer was posted, and I was now looking at a reply. I don't remember the exact details of it, but apparently in the answer I had posted something about my network.. a screenshot from the iPhone? And the comment on it basically said something along the lines of "your answer is shit, and you probably have a very basic internet connection with default settings". I was really upset by that, as my network is actually quite advanced (on account of being a sysadmin).

Then I woke up and realized that it was all just a dream...

  • 2
    The Weird Dream Syndrome got you too.

    cc: @rutee07
  • 2
    Also, this is not a rant.

    Is this a rant?

    Maybe it is.

    Is it?
  • 4
    @Cyanide *Vsauce intro starts*
  • 0
    @mysth Good points.. the psychology behind it is really interesting. I would say it is reasonably advanced, and offers various services to the internet at large. There is always room for improvement though.. if there weren't, I wouldn't be worth calling myself sysadmin :)

    And welcome btw! :D
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