
Android Studio is by far worst development environment I've ever seen. Slow as fuck, messed up and cumbersome, not much better than eclipse. Menus are hilariously fucked up. On top of that, clear new setup (on Windows) may as well melt up your PC if you have that shit running overnight: after a weekend I came to the office and my MBP is fucking screaming and breathing hot air... I was WTF is that, and when I logged in, this fucking garbage android studio was taking 100% of all 8/16 cores ... WHAT A FUCKING HIDEOUS PILE OF SHIT FROM GOOGLE. Google: please kill this project, no need to improve or fix it, it's garbage. Start over.

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    It's based on Intellij, right?
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    Can't reproduce
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    It’s not googles fault, it’s the base underneath.

    I hate working with IntelliJ. But eh, vsCode is still a bit cumbersome for some things like Kotlin, so it’ll stay for now.
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    @ScriptCoded yes, it's shit.
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    @bagfox it's their fault that they offloaded to some shit maker. If they are incapable making decent tools themselves, they should pay Microsoft for full fledged Android support in vsCode or Visual Studio.
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    @WildOrangutan I just started it and after it loaded my project CPU was 0% and it was taking roughly 3GB of ram. 1-2 hours later ... surprise, it was already steady at 16% CPU, that is, two cores were fully consumed by studio64.exe. It's a clean install. I've installed it last week, no changes or customizations. Simply installed NDK 21 from studio manager, nothing else.
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    Not using it myself, but if it is based on JetBrains' IntelliJ IDEA, it seriously can't be that bad.
    Microsoft and JetBrains are the only real competion on the IDE market.
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    @Oktokolo I cannot use anything jetbrains. I prefer in random order: Notepad++, VsCode, VisualStudio, Xcode (No choice here for ios work). But I cannot use jetbrains: I use column mode edit a lot and these idiots cannot make proper column mode edit.
  • 0
    Starting column mode is indeed a bit clunky because it requires the mouse - but apart from that it works fine.
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    *laughs in unity*

    - slower than Android studio
    - buggy af
    - can melt your pc while running
    - recompiling assets is basically a freeze
    - randomly recompiles assets for no effin reason
    - doesn't even have a CODE EDITOR
    - its prereqs for mobile development basically require you to install android studio anyway
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    Do you maybe have some weird plugins installed? They can pretty much break the ide.

    I have mine running for whole morning, and it's still using around 0% cpu on idle on pretty big project.
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    In college, I used to run Android Studio on my AMD A8 laptop with 4 GB of RAM. And with Chrome also opened, I have seen the worst. I have been through darkness.
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    The worst development environment is still better than eclipse? Sounds about right.
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    @piratefox *laughs in Unreal*

    Unity is a godsent by comparison.

    - own types for basic types becasue sure why not

    - build system is utter bs. Good luck adding third party libraries

    - your third party library contains header files without the h extension? yep, not found. ( Looking at you Eigen) Go and rename them all.

    - Building a project for the first time takes forever. Windows declares UE dead, but nah, it's compiling. might just take 45 min. it ain't frozen, it's just pretending. Don't listen to the task manager

    - Physics assets? unclear af.

    - Tutorials? Outdated. There are 23 versions at least.

    - Made changes to GUI elements in your code? restart engine since otherwise it won't load. Very fun when working on Blueprints

    - Needed a cooling pad for the laptop with 6 fans because heat generation when running this is crazy.

    - Library build with Cmake? UE can't build it, even though it uses VS and VS can. Have to build it externally.

    I've probably forgotten a few things.
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    @electrineer Last time I needed android specific IDE was when Android Studio was just some beta when Eclipse was main dev env. I wasn't a fan of Eclipse, but it did work, I don't recall major issues simply opening and building projects (I don't normally edit java or some gui stuff for android). Here I simply installed Android Studio and it melts my MBP
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    @Oktokolo the guy that made column mode for AS is an idiot. AS/ IntelliJ do have column mode edit with keyboard, but it's hideously fucked up. No idea what was running in the guy's head when the person was implementing that shit.
    When I complained to them, I told them that with mouse it works, but with keyboard it's totaly shit and they said that they aren't going to fix because everybody is used to it. I guess, users simply don't use their messed up column mode edit with keyboard
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    @pps83 a computer that melts because of a misbehaving program is a computer with a faulty cooling system
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    I have a solution for you JetBrains bashers: switch to Linux or Mac. Even Android Studio works fine... and oh, @pps83 there’s a better alternative to Xcode: JB’s AppCode. Really can’t beat their products for many cases, tho as a generalist IDE, VS Code takes the trophy. But if you write a lot of PHP or Rust, PHPStorm is ther best. Dotnet langs? Rider. iOS dev? AppCode

    Also... how shitty are your dev machines? Android Studio may be slow as a bugger on Win10, but say Unity has never given me any trouble with performance (then again, I haven’t run it on a Win machine)
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    Not using Unity myself. But realtime game level editors are definitely a higher league than code IDEs. Can't compare the two at all.

    I assume column mode isn't used that often by most devs anyway. So even if they would consider changing it, it would be pretty low priority.
    But it might be possible to add a better column mode with an addon (ping me if you find or make one)...
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    @hasu really one day a smart videogame editor will be made. BUT THAT DAY IS NOT TODAY!

    Honestly, we both forgot to mention the main issue about the two systems, which is... The scene files! Gl with the merge conflict on the yaml file referring stuff in a very-hard-to-understand way!
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    @Oktokolo it's not really to compare them, it's more to join the vent... I get android studio has big issue for being just a "simple" IDE, but I am also glad I don't have to work with unity anymore!

    Sorry if it sounded like a comparison/gatekeeping/saying i have it worse, it was not my intention! I meant just to joke about how much a piece of software can be crappy "^^
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    @piratefox I'm stuck working with it apperently for a while now. It just kinda happened. Lol.

    Yeah same. Just wanted to join the ranting. Worked with Android Studio a while ago and damn it felt huge. Also I generally hate java. It's so ugly. I know Kotlin exists but back then I had to work with Java. Heared Kotlin is much nicer.
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    @hasu Kotlin is MUCH nicer indeed. Especially since you can go full functional on it’s arse, use rx and use it for multiplatform development, too (KMM is still in alpha tho, but shows great promise)
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    @electrineer if it had a bad cooler it would literally melt. It was spinning all the cores 100% and fan loud as a vacuum cleaner. We can also blame intel and hope M1 soon solve the problem, but we aren't there yet. Simply not taking all the cores when IDE is idle is kind of expected bare minimum
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    @pps83 you bought a vacuum, you got a vacuum. Now enjoy your vacuum — no one can hear you whining over the sound of your vacuum anyway.
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    @electrineer any powerful modern 8-core laptop will sound like a fucking airplane if you keep all 8 cores loaded 100% for 24/7. Seems like with M1 that will change. I do C++, so, I do need this piece of shit for work.
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