Any Burmese here?

Let us know what's going on before your internet is cut off.

Good luck. Watching helplessly from Germany.

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    Yeah let us know, cause I got no idea what's happening anymore.
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    @Ranchonyx Coup d'état by the army because their preferred candidate lost the election. I only familiarized myself with the situation days ago so you should read up if you're curious.
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    Plunging Myanmar back into a military rule :/ They were like that for decades and finally got a glimmer of hope at democracy until the military leader took power again. He sounds like a terrible dude but I only know what western media is telling me.
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    @junon You're not restricted to Western Media if you live in the west.

    Just be aware what the origin, controlling party and spin/bias of every outlet is.

    I read articles from Haaretz and Fox News -- knowing fully that those are a leftist Israeli paper and a rather extreme conservative & populist source.

    I check SCMP knowing it's an agency with Malaysian & Anti-Chinese HK roots, now owned by Alibaba, and read Al Jazeera, knowing they will never talk foul about their Qatari Overlords.

    So of course, considering backgrounds, Haaretz & Aljazeera choose to remind people of Rohingya genocide, while SCMP highlights the authoritarion coup.



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    @junon So my point... don't be afraid to pick varied sources.

    Even read sources you KNOW twist the truth very often.

    Actually, that can teach you the most:

    If you compare articles about Iran from Al Jazeera, Russia Today, Fox News and CNN, it's like an array diff function.

    You can clearly see the bias they all have about sensitive topics -- which doesn't tell you a lot about Iran, but it does tell you a lot about what Russia, Qatar and America are like.
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    @bittersweet I got my information from Al Jazeera. I still consider them western media when I read them in English.

    I live in Europe so I feel as though I get pretty decent mixes of information, too. However I still consider it a "western" perspective. That's all I was saying.

    I am not being willfully ignorant, but I'm also not pretending I am Burmese. Therefore, I'm being selectively ignorant :)
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    Yeah definitely. And even when things happen in your own country, it's not like every action, conversation and decision is ever "known", even to the most investigative and unbiased reporters.

    For example: We will never know whether Angela Merkel has ever eaten a nest of puppies, or maybe Putin is a submissive gay dude as soon as he is alone with his boyfriend.

    More importantly, it's even difficult to deduce whether the war in Syria was about tribal tensions and Assad losing control to factions using the Arab Spring, or Russia wanting to retain strategic warm water harbors and thwart UAE plans for LNG pipelines to Turkey and Europe. A bit of both maybe?

    The world seems to be an incredibly chaotic system, in which every result is dependent on a very intricate web of stakes and pulled strings.

    Some strings are pulled publicly, some in private calls between diplomats, some in shady back alleys.

    Not saying "all conspiracies you hear are true" — rather the opposite: All we can do is receive as many glimpses from as many sources as possible, heavily apply Occam's Razor to it, and accept that there will always be many unknowns.
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