
In SublimeText, I noticed that my markdowns formatting was not showing up correctly— I decided to download the new markdown package altogether hoping for some kind of update/fix. Turns out the package comes with a super ugly color theme which overrides the default theme of SublimeText. After some googling and experimenting, I found way to override this through the package settings. I always use git through my terminal but I thought let’s try to use git through my code editor and see how it works. I downloaded the git package but then I notice that git tool shows status and all correctly but doesn’t push files to GitHub (it says fatal: unable to read current working directory). Then I download another application called SublimeMerge. It works correctly on its own (pushes files to GitHub) but SublimeText is still not doing the same. Then I tinker around with my SSH keys hoping for a fix, but nothing works. I even go to stackoverflow and search for a solution but I find nothing (I even wrote a post asking for a solution but no replies till now). Fuck it! I now open the file with VSCode. Open terminal within VSCode and add/push/commit through it and everything works perfectly. So goodbye SublimeText I guess 👋🏾

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