I think if a FAANG company accidentally hired me, I'd last all of 15 seconds before they'd be showing me the door. https://stackoverflow.blog/2021/02/...

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    I think we're soon hitting a tipping point where those companies are going to have to *massively* overhaul their culture and hiring practices. They're turning into the very environments they were initially trying to avoid - loads of red tape, long hours over minute details, no sensible ability to suggest good ideas, and a restrictive work environment.

    Friend of mine who did Java Dev at Google had to use a weird bastardised Eclipse, code reviews were beyond picky and took forever, and expectations were enormous. Couple that with a ridiculous interview process and a lot of pressure, and he quit for a much better job that was just as well paid. Many smart guys I know don't even consider applying to FAANG for those sorts of reasons.

    If they want to keep attracting the best of the best, they've no other option but to change.
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    @AlmondSauce Agree totally. I would commit suicide if I had to work at a FAANG for very long. I don’t have the mental toughness for sweatshop work. I’m looking forward to the next Big Disruption of these types of working environments. I had thought all this remote working due to COVID would do it, but maybe not.
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    They pay a shitton of money tho
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    @YADU I used to make 6 figures in another job. With 5 figure bonuses. Please believe me when I tell you that the more you make, the more you’ll break. It was the most stressful, least ethical, and psychologically destructive job I ever had. Everyone around me making the same or more was just as miserable or more. The big boss was the most feared, ruthless, abusive, and hateful man I ever met (chair thrower in the board room kinda guy). I’m much happier in the mid-to-high 5 figures.
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