
Hi guys, I created a tiny Anime quotes API called Animechan. Totally free to use anywhere 😊✨


  • 1
    awesome! 👍😃

    How many quotes do you've got in that api? 😊
  • 3
    @heyheni Around 8k.
  • 1
    @unicorndev wow! 😲
    how did you collect them?
  • 3
    @heyheni A lot of scrapping, friends suggestions, my own favorite collections. All added. Nothing fancy just a simple idea.
  • 0
    Under what license are the quotes?
  • 1
    @Oktokolo MIT since its a totally free to use API. But I put a rate limit just so that the server doesn't blow up.
  • 3
    Nice, I will definitely use it later

    But as being a developer I would like to ask you in which language you made it and from which service you bought your VPS or server
  • 4
    @Eklavya Wrote the backend in Koa.js and frontend in Next.js. Hosting the server in Heroku and website in Vervel.
    For the website design I used TailwindCSS.
  • 4
    x3 nozzles punces on you uwu you’re so warm
    couldn’t help but notice your bulge from across the floor
  • 4
    You disappointed me. So I have to give you a punishment. Regret your helplessness and feel despair.

    That's what your API told me.
  • 1
  • 2
    I'll play with it soon :O

  • 4
    Really nice quotes. I've been clicking the run script button for over an hour now and possibly might be reading the 7000th quote. Not stopping till I see the end.
  • 2
    Remove good morning and all those wishes because the API don't know the time of my country
  • 1
    Typo here, withes instead of witches.
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