Does anyone else reinstall their OS just because it gets too cluttered? It works fine, but a year and a half of installs and uninstalls have wreaked havoc on my filesystem. I may have OCD...

  • 5
    At least twice per year
  • 5
    I do that every year (basically every Ubuntu xx.04 release)
  • 5
    I do it every year around my birthday. Sort of like a gift to myself.
  • 8
    No, you may have windows
  • 4
    Nop, cuz I'm a tech savy guy and know how to fix/troubleshoot it. Reinstalling the OS is a form of defeat.
  • 1
    The trick is, don't reinstall all the same shit again lol.
  • 2
    I don't have this problem with my mac (Sierra). No, i'm not trying to start a flame war lol. Just being honest 🤷🏼‍♂️
  • 1
    I suggest reading up on what OCD is...
  • 1
    @Mayhem93 Uh, you're on devRant. We're all tech-savvy.

    There's nothing to troubleshoot, I just don't feel like spending hours going through AppData, the registry, etc. trying to figure out whether each folder or key is needed anymore.
  • 2
    Once a year, Linux and Windows
  • 1
    I swap distros like crazy...
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