
I only know html & CSS, but struggle so much to understand JavaScript.

  • 4
    Practice Practice Practice JavaScript is very easy once you get used to it just don't get discouraged are you having trouble remembering syntax or just does it not make sense?
  • 12
    I'll say it again... try not to get caught up in a particular language e.g. JavaScript. Learn how to program. Learn the concepts and fundamentals - what are loops, objects, functions. Learn how to approach a problem and break it down sufficiently to break it into bite size chunks.

    When you're comfortable with those things, then pick a language and learn how that language allows you to execute your ideas.

    I think new developers are so obsessed with languages and frameworks to the point of neglecting the core skills of actually writing programs and why we do it.
  • 0
    @samk you don't belong here, go to stackoverflow.

    Just kidding:)
  • 3
    Go check codeacademy.com
  • 1
    Getting started is really hard. I hated it at first! But if you keep up with it, slowly it starts to make sense, which I believe is true of any programming language, particularly your first. Keep at it! I came to love JavaScript.
  • 0
    @avicoder is right, that's where I learned it. If I were you then after that I'd move on to something slightly more advanced like Java.
  • 1
    I know people may disagree but I think JavaScript is a really hard first language to learn because it is interpreted. With other languages like C or Java, if you have a syntax error you will know right away as the code won't compile or try to run. With JavaScript you need to get to the bad line before you find out.

    I don't know the language but I've heard Python is very easy to learn.
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