
So the dude who designed my class schedule should be fired. Monday, Thursday and Friday, half a day of school. The other half of the day I need to go to work. That would not be an issue if work and school weren't TWO FUCKING STATES APART!
So now I have the pleasure of my commute being 2h long instead of just 30min. Oh and If I would like to use public transport instead of driving? Well make it FOUR HOURS! Cause my workplace is in the countryside which offers no public transport home without a huge detour. So I either pay a fortune and drive or waste inhumane ammounts of time on a train.
Also there is reduced parking at the school. But with reduced parking they mean you always pay 10$ a day no matter the parked time. But for half a day I pay 8$ which makes it completely useless.
I asked for the schedule to be changed a quarter of a year before the semeter began. (Around the time they announced it) Response: Guess you'll have to live with it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Fuck you! I will personally come and shove one of my car's piston up your ass if it dies from this insane commute. (Without engine oil ofc.)

  • 3
    Because everyone has to adapt to your schedule.
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    @electrineer Are you saying I'm not the protagonist?
  • 2
    Then continue your education in that other state? Or find a job in the one where your education is? Not sure how this is the schedulers problem tbh, sounds like your own choice
  • 0
    Class schedules are based on the classes you signed up for?

    I cannot imagine why you are studying and working in different states...
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    @wbrianwhite @NEMESISprj Cause the closest school that offers my field is in that other state. And I'm not going to switch away from a good company just so I would have an easier commute for a while.
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    @electrineer Something like this might have been an easy oversight as the class is meant to be done parallel to work. And I'm not one to just sit around and just accept it without atleast asking for a better schedule.
  • 3
    Lol you really can't see that they have more people to worry about? But in all fairness, I agree that it's worth asking them if they can arrange some changes. Just sounds selfish the way you made your rant ;)
  • 1
    I remember my 1.5 hour commute with regular traffic. I will NEVER do it again. It's soul crushing to do NOTHING for 1.5 hours of your day. Fuck that shit, i will NEVER go back.

    EDIT: 1.5 hours each way; 1.5 there and 1.5 back
  • 1
    Last course I took they said to us we would be able to take a side job and that absences would toooooootally not be an issue.

    Then they proceeded giving us 8 hours schedules everyday, except some weeks which were fully empty or that just had a lesson from 7am to 9am. Or from 2pm to 4pm

    They also gave us the schedule on Sunday, starting on Monday.

    And of course they used absences to lower our scores. Fuck me for trying to build a career i guess.

    Those fuckers.
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