Java 16 already!! The Java team jumps through major versions like it's nothing.

  • 9
    Anything other than the LTS releases are pointless - no-one uses them, they go out of support too quickly. That means that realistically, the latest version anyone uses is 11.

    17 is out later this year though which will be the next LTS one.
  • 4
    Java is the new js frameworks..
  • 0
    A new version each half year. With their current roadmap I think thats a good idea. Faster previews of new Features, and they have some really nice ones in the Pipeline.
  • 2
    @Katakompe Yeah but they f*ing break. Got a Java app, tried to update the JVM, something broke with the lists (idk what) and had to immediately roll back. Having fast releases when the whole environment is a slug isn't going anywhere.
  • 0
    @IHateForALiving Really?
    AFAIK they tried to actually stay compatible between versions, which is the main reason why they took so long to add features that scala, kotlin etc. have for so long.
  • 1
    A lot of not so true statements here....

    Quite a lot of projects use non LTS versions.

    Which became easier thx to JLink and Adopt OpenJDK / Oracle giving up.

    And you can cross compile to ensure compatibility, eg. Java 11 compiler can generate Java 8 output.
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