Tell me what is value of a "," ( comma) in programming?

I spent a whole day debugging errors one after another and atlast the main reason of all errors leads to a fking comma 😑

  • 2
    It is not context agnostic

    But it is mostly a separator (of values in an array in some languages, of variables during declaration)
  • 5
    you mean for the actual programming language, or for user input?

    Because when it comes to user input, the comma may be the seperator for decimal numbers depending on langauge/culture.

    In Germany we write "34,8", as opposed to the British and Americans "34.8"
  • 5
    Context, we are going to need some context for this one!
  • 0
  • 0
    @asgs yeah i see
  • 0
    @C0D4 definitely..
  • 0
    "The main reason of all errors" leads to the absence of an aforementioned comma.
  • 1
    It appears empirical evidence suggests "the value of a comma" is "one full day of debugging errors," which sounds about right to me. 😉
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