Why is it considered bad material design to use lateral motion transitions between views?

Reference: https://material.io/guidelines/...

  • 3
    From a context standpoint, lateral animation implies the view being animated is next when it might actually be the 3rd tab in when animating from the 1st.
  • 5
    As the ui contains elements that can be interacted with by swiping left and right causing the content being interacted with to slide appropriately it implies to the user that similar interaction will occur with the main ui tile, however swiping doesn't necessarily transition between tabs
  • 3
    Huh, very fascinating! Thanks guys
  • 1
    There are two reasons for this:

    First and most important one is that, like the drawer, bottom navigation is for main navigation so unlike tabs they can change the context entirely. Tabs need to be related to one another and they should have a similar context, so a settings view doesn't belong next to the music view. Bottom navigation doesn't have this requirement so imagine swiping from your music screen to a config screen, that can be really weird

    Second, as said before, bottom navigation doesn't steal the swipe, so that you can use it in other stuff like dismiss, drawer, tabs or whatever
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