
Fuck off cancerous piece of shit on stackoverflow whose dick is an obvious inverse proposition to ego and incapablility to read.

I asked if there's "clean" way, of doing something. I provided my solution to the problem

Your answer and coments make it pretty obvious that you:
* don't really care about (code) quality
* value your reputation just as much as some teen on facebook sucking cook for likes or whatever they use now
* downvoted my question because you can't handle critique in the slightest
* You immediately replied with "but op said..." even though I am the fucking op and if I say _imo_ a fucking for-loop within function is less readable than 3 chained function-calls it and does not include the feature I asked for, it means you have to justify your answer and not get triggered and downvote my fucking question.

After I confronted him about this shit he just said "If you had studied the language for more than 10 minutes you would have known than you can't do that."

And if you had some a basic reading skill you could improve my workaround or tell me just that, instead of providing me with that useless information you vomited out just to get some ez SO reputation.

Piece of shit didn't even deny the anyyhing.

Shove a vibrator up your ass until it arrives at your skull and activate it. Maybe that will stimulate your brain or hopefully upgrade it.

I don't care how much "reputition" you may have "earned" on the internet. I am not afraid to call your bullshit or your sheer pathetic existence out.

People like this are are the reason SO gets so much hsge and even tough I got an improved version for my workaround (from an other user), I'm nowhere near happiness.

Note, the Useful-to-retarded-ratio is
1: 3

  • 7
    I have started deliberately avoiding SO and life's good :)
  • 3
    I loved the Vibrator part. Mwuaah. Awesome rant!
  • 3
    That’s why I haven’t used it.

    Honestly, most questions I’ve searched on google have popped up answers on Quora. Usually quora has very good answers and put it in layman terms.

    Useful-to-Retarted Ratio 1: 0.5
  • 1
    @Bitwise what was the question?
  • 3
    To be honest, the questions where you ask for "a better way to do x" are better suited for codereview or software engineering Stackexchange.

    Those communities exist for this exact purpose, while stackoverflow exists for helping out with finding a solution.
  • 0
    I asked few questions on SO.
    Few times i got the help because somebody realised it was a simple mistake like missing a simple list constructor...
    Silent runtime errors are the worst...
  • 1
    @FMashiro Thanks. Didn't even know that. Will make sure tk remember it, if there's a next time
  • 0
    @Bitwise Feels nostalgic :)
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