
Who the hell is trying to reset my Chipotle password when I don’t even have one?

  • 2
    I get *tons* of these messages for loads of accounts. No idea what they're trying to achieve.
  • 4
    This, my friends, is why you must have a Captcha on your password reset page. If you don’t have one on your app, add it today before you get burned like I’ve been burned in the past.
  • 0
    Looks like straight up spam tbh
  • 0
    What's the "from" address?
  • 0
    @RememberMe, a similar attack happened to an app I manage. An attacker got a list of emails from hacking a competitor and started hitting us hard with resets for users that both existed and didn’t exist in our system. I still didn’t fully understand the end game.... but I’m assuming they had access to the email inbox of thousands of the millions of addresses they tried to reset.
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