
my brain buzzes more than ever, i can't get my sleep schedule under control, i can't find the motivation to do literally anything unless someone pretty much forces me to do it, i can barely focus on anything, my hands constantly refuse to work properly...

why? why must i be like this? sure, i've gotta do this and that and the other, but none of it ends up getting done because i'm too busy staring at a fucking wall, lost in my own head, and everything gets fucked up.

i can't even be fucked to go for walks or anything because i don't know the neighborhood and there's such a high crime rate here, nothing i'm not used to but still...

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    Take one thing at a time - the sleep schedule sounds like a good place to start. Personally if my sleep is all over the place then I'm always unproductive and grumpy throughout the day; I think many people are similar.
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    Don't burn out bro
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    fixing the sleep schedule might help a bunch.

    One thing i did is atleast sleeping enough. So if you don't sleep at night, just sleep whenever you want, but sleep enough overall. That helped me a ton.

    Then you could shift your sleep to night again (if needed)
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    @thebiochemic Recently i'm getting enough sleep, but I can't change when it happens, it's pretty much stuck so i'm falling asleep at 6AM sharp.
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    @Parzi yeah shifting the sleep cycle is a thing you have to look after actively, even when you're sleeping on point already. I need to look after that aswell, but it works quite well for now. currently get up an hour before work, and only need to set one alarm on my phone

    What you could try to do, is to shift your sleep cycle by two Hours, or even by one hour per day. I had the same problem, and that usually helped ^^
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    @thebiochemic I've tried an hour or two a day all the way down to 5 minutes a day. Granularity matters not when you can hold long conversations and do complex tasks while still in REM sleep... "sort numbers in order" alarms aren't exactly helpful in that case.
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    @Parzi yeah that's true though. But even if you can, your brain works overtime, and basically destroys itself. what i have done for a while is to sleep every two days (and also sleep a lot longer to counter that). It's not very healthy, but you get stuff done in the night and sleep very well. And at this point shifting the cycle is not too hard.

    What you also could do, is to kinda force it by setting a timer. Stop everything you do and just go sleep.
    And yeah i know, sometimes you can't sleep because you haven't finished someting, but that also gives you some kind of daily deadline, which might help your productivity aswell.
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