This is what happened today in our dayli:

Lead: We need to profile our software

Me: You can use the chrome devtools as remote profiler, even on prod, or make HAR files for later inspection.

Lead: Yeah but no that’s just collecting data on every tick, we need something like “has been called x times”

Me: Yeah but you can filt -

Lead: Yeah no, so back when I wrote code in Delphi...

Me: *oh god no not this again*

Lead: ... We could have clicked a button in our IDE and it would wrap the function call with the API call to profile that function ...

Me, to the secret dev group in slack: doesn’t a simple method decorator and node performance api help with that?

The people in the group: We had this topic last Friday all day...

Me: oh well *get’s coffee and ignores lead*

  • 2
    Ah, incompetent lead with a god complex.
  • 1
    Got me one of those as well.

    I'd like to write a book on dumb managers and how to deal with them, but then again, it'd be just another clone of the improvised munitions handbook with some biochemistry 101.
  • 0
    Use this cowboy code because I said so... it’s for data that we need because I said so
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