My first interview ever for an internship. The interviewer asked me to rate myself in this language from 1 to 10 as if I'm applying for a lead engineer position at Google. I replied with a number that I thought was appropriate at the time (but now I know it wasn't accurate). The interviewer didn't say anything and moved to the next question. Later, I found out he ranted about my answer on his Twitter, again as if it's expected from an applicant intern at a low tier company to know. Still leaves a bitter taste in my mouth 7 years later.

  • 13
    Yeah, it's totally unprofessional to rant publicly about work. Uhm... ^^
  • 5
    @Fast-Nop LOL. The irony xD
  • 12
    @Fast-Nop publicly anonymously is good but publicly with identification is just being an egoistic arrogant dick.
  • 0
    Well here you are to rant about him in Devrant.... Win win..
  • 1
    @johnmelodyme it's just full circle innit
  • 0
    Did you say 10?
  • 2
  • 3
    @rantsauce honestly someone who does interviews including your interviewer should know this. The multiple stages of competence, he should be fine with your answer. Since it wasn't 10, no need to rage about it. Myself 10 years ago would have said 9 about my main language. I learned a ton and it is an 8 now. So that's normal.
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