
People randomly asking me if I can "hack" someone after they find out that I'm a developer... Ugh.

  • 6
    "Do you hack?" "No... would you like to be my first victim?"
  • 9
    "I can hack your dumb ass with an axe, does that work?"
  • 0
    @enitoni this one is good :)
  • 2
    @enitoni I should try that, with a super serious face and little crazy smile. Then watch them freak out.
  • 4
    Use a link shortener, go to hackertyper.org and send it to them "hi, i made this super secret programmz [linkz] so you can hack x, don't tell anyone! or my friends from the russian mafia will get you." 😁
  • 3
    Dev != Hacker
  • 0
    Yeah people keep asking me to make them a website as soon as they find out I'm a website developer...
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