2nd week on a new job, already been assigned smaller Jira tickets to work on.
But it takes me awhile to figure it out and close the ticket, coz it’s React and I’m completely new to it and I feel I have no idea what I’m doing.
Imposter syndrome hitting hard

  • 4
    “*lack of knowldege hitting hard”

    Which is not a bad thing but not everything is related to imposter syndrome.
  • 2
    @Cyanide This.

    The whole thing has nothing to do with imposter syndrome.

    You're just unfamiliar with the tech stack.

    Nothing to be ashamed of.
  • 1
    The same thing happens to me at every new job. Don't worry yourself. I feel like I never really get into the *groove* until 6 months in.

    Until that point, my PRs are small and far between.
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