"curious about programming?
You’ve read all of your member-only stories this month. Become a member to read and support the writers and publications uncovering new insights in the topics that matter to you."

Fair enough, good work should be paid.

But do "the writers" actually get paid by medium?
From my knowledge and experience so far, I had reasons to doubt, at least they never paid me (but then again I only wrote 1 serious story there).

Also I still do not get it why some stories are free and others aren't. Personally, I prefer dev.to for reading as well as writing. But medium stories rank so successfully on Google that there are always some of them before any dev.to content in the search results.

  • 2
    Whether a Medium article is free to read or not, depends on whether writer has made it free to read or not.

    Medium gives writers option to make an article available only for Medium subscribers.

    Medium distributes the subscription earnings to writers depending upon how many readers have read that article.

    People who do not use Medium’s subscription service can only read free articles and 3 paid articles per month (made free by Medium).
  • 1
    Just open the link in incognito tab
  • 1
    @hitko that's maybe even more annoying, that they did not even manage (or want) to get their paywall right
  • 0
    Wait, there’s good work in Medium? I only see clickbait articles and other garbage...
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