I prefer my own proprietary code over open source solutions any day. Might take longer to develop, but it hits the spot.

  • 4
    Well, masochism is also a way of life.
  • 3
    Try thinking of it another way

    The open source library probably has tens if not hundreds of people contributing, that's thousands of man hours of development and testing that you haven't had to do. In imho I would trust open source code (if it's a large enough project) over code I wrote simply because I don't want to reinvent the wheel
  • 1
    @bluescreen Dont get me wrong using a large project for exactly their intended use is fine. Typically finding a plugin or work around for a client request will never match a proper custom build and dont get me started on the security implications :)
  • 1
    @Treveloper trust me, I know the security implications, before my current role I worked on security software bore some pretty big players. You're correct though, security is a big factor for not using an open source library which is why it must have source code available and also not include any other 3rd party libs always good to review the code of the open source lib anyway to see any potential issues in implantation etc
  • 2

    If we wouldn't have reinvented the wheel, then we would have wooden wheels. :))
    But I agree with the fact that more people = more tests. 1 human tester is worth more than any unit test.
  • 0
    @copper that's not really reinventing more like improving the original design 😋 but I get your point lol 👍
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