Hey guys just completed my second pen at codepenio ...went a little side track from the course and wanted to know what I'm capable of doing now with HTML and CSS... Here is the result..any kind of critisim is appericated https://codepen.io/imshubhamsingh/...

  • 2
    Thats pretty cool. How long did it take?
  • 1
    Well that's just stunning! Great stuff...
  • 3
    @Divisionbyzero 3hr man...and I have just started to explore CSS..there lot more to learn
  • 1
    @jAsE I never used a library in that ...the hovering is made using custom made CSS animation..😋 It could have been made using JavaScript easily...I wanted to keep it pure CSS
  • 3
    Awesome! Nice use of animations. Bonus points for doing it only in CSS and no JS.
  • 2
    Totally awesome man!!
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